Many top online poker rooms have been making changes since last year to cater to recreational players instead of poker pros. Party Poker is one such site that jumped on the band wagon to level the playing field for gamers online. Last fall, Party began Phase One of changes which included an update to help recreational players who would normally be targeted by poker pros. Now, the online poker brand has announced the next steps in their goals to improve game play for members.
With Phase One, Party completed several changes involving hand history and cash game waiting lists. Players had the option to view hand histories over the past twelve months by using the Missions icon but hand histories could no longer be downloaded or saved to a local device.
Players who waited for cash games would be sent to a waiting list and then seated at random when a seat opens up based on individual preferences. Opponent’s names would not be available for viewing expect when the first hand is dealt. Because of these changes, players were unable to use seating scripts and hunting for weaker players is unavailable.
Two days ago, Party announced the next round of policy changes, this time focusing on cash gaming. Local hand histories will be available for download but screen names will be anonymous. Players will be able to see their own screen name but other players will be listed anonymously in the download. The number of hands played can be viewed as well as win rate and additional statistics to help improved game play.
Seating scripts will be prohibited and noted in the terms and conditions at Party Poker. Players who use seating scripts software will be warned then banned from their account. Players at Party also have the option to make a one-off screen name change.
The new changes will be put into effect on the 5th of October.
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