It is not uncommon for an online poker site to have issues, possibly going offline for a few minutes as a player enjoys game play. However, when an online poker site goes offline without warning and remains offline, players begin to worry. Full Flush Poker was reported down this past Friday and as of now, remains down. Players are now worried about their account balances and what will happen with the online poker room moving forward.
The site was unable to be accessed over the weekend and even today as players try to log on, the site is not loading. Players have taken to the popular online poker forum TwoPlusTwo to talk about their fears, with many worrying about their remaining account balances. One player even talked about having a balance of $21,000 and how payments from withdrawals have slowed down over the past year.
As of 22 hours ago, Full Flush Poker did update their Facebook page with information, stating that the brand is in the process of updating their gaming solutions to offer a new and more exciting platform that will meet the needs of players and the ever-changing industry. Full Flush has stated that updates will be provided and the operator apologized for any inconvenience it may have caused.
This seems to be an odd explanation especially considering if an update was coming, why not alert players beforehand? Players have had mixed comments on the update from Full Flush, some commenting that they look forward to changes while others calling the brand out for going offline without alerting players first.
The license for Full Flush Poker was valid this past Saturday. However, by yesterday, regulators of Curacao had changed the status to suspended. It will be interesting to see if Full Flush updates their Facebook again today and if the site comes back online or if there are actually underlying issues at play.
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