PokerStars is a top online poker room for a number of reasons, one being the fact that they actually listen to their customers. It is important to stay on top of player’s wants and needs and PokerStars tends to listen and integrate changes to the site when players complain or make comments on a particular area of game play. Just recently, PokerStars announced the introduction of Seat Me, a new concept that will work to improve the seating process for ring games.
With Seat Me, the ability for players to be able to pick their own tables and seats at tables will be eliminated. Instead, PokerStars will put players straight into the action once a game and stake is picked. The functionality of the option will be tested at PokerStars.es to find out how Seat Me works before adding it to other markets.
According to PokerStars Blog, Seat Me will reduce the ability for players to bumhunt as well as prevent seating scripts from operating. The player field will be leveled by stopping players who use software that allows them to prey unfairly on those who have less experience. Seat Me will also be similar to a live poker experience where table and seat selection are random.
The new seating process will also introduce potential time penalties that will reduce game disruption that is caused by players who are constantly changing tables, refusing to play against certain opponents or stealing blinds.
Because of the changes, live observation of the ring game tables will no longer be an option. However, railbirds will still be able to view ring game action via rolling highlights of key hands. Play of Team PokerStars Pros will be placed at the top of the feeds so fans can locate these hands more easily. PokerStars plans on remaining focused on exploring more ways to protect the game, bringing more players to the game of poker and increasing the winning moments. Seat Me is just the next change added to the site following many changes seen in 2016.
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